Text Categorization and Classifications Based on Weka
Sami Mohammed,Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, 3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3P6, Canada
As the volume of information available on the Internet and corporate increases, there is growing interest in developing tools to help people better find, filter, and manage these electronic resources. Text categorization – the assignment of natural language texts to one or more predefined categories based on their content – is an important component in many information organization and management tasks. This article is an attempt to touch base with this vital research field in Data Mining. Our interest in this article comes from my interest in doing research in NLP related to analyzing biomedical documents like Discharge summaries. The Data Collection of this project includes collecting several discharge summaries from the i2b2 as well as other text-based dataset documents that are notable for text categorization (like the 20-Newsgroups). The Data Preprocessing stage is a significant part of this project as it includes several NLP filters as well as converting the text format of the collected documents to ARFF as our investigation found that the Weka framework is the most suitable Data Mining framework for text analysis. The third stage involves experimenting with several machine learning algorithms for text categorization and classification. In this direction we found the SMO (Sequential Minimal Optimization) is the best classifiers that provide the highest accuracy even when the size of sample training size decreases or with the increase of the mix of different type of text documents included in the sample.
Text Categorization, Machine Learning, Weka API, Text Classifiers.
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